Bad Cop*... Good Cop*...

*read as "Site."

In year 1994, the Sun Microsystems Engineer J. Nielsen published the "Usability Engineering" book, where defined usability and associated it with five attributes: Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors, Satisfaction.

In year 1995, the Entrepreneur and Philanthropist C. Newmark, who obviously hadn't found the Nielsen's book on shelves of shops and libraries, launches the ...
or maybe he found it and even read it, but decided to go against the recommendations... Anyway, I'm joking. Here's the site:
 First time when I opened it, I had no Idea what it is for. No any hint on first page
I barely found the link for creation of posting. How could I! It's marked in yellow especially for me, especially to make search of it easier. The list of words with different size and location were hard to read fluently, but now I can read them better. 
Maybe the system of this site is easy to remember and it is possible to use it efficiently after-that. But it will took some time to learn how the thing done on this simple site, and it gives no any satisfaction from use.
For me it was just a touch to site, which still popular due to it's UX, or it's absence...
I read, it wasn't redesigned since launch, however, it got mobile version, which has not much more usability.

While we still hiding from COVID at home, and popularity of e-shopping grows, it is fair enough to offer a web-shop as opposite example (example of good UX). As per me, this is how all web-shops should look. It combines plenty of pictures, icons in form of items for sale, and light, not overloaded, minimalist (not as much as craigslist) design, Besides, is simple to use, loads fast and has so simplified usage processes, that it is nearly impossible to make something wrong. 
I swear, it is not adv of Google Store, it's just my opinion. 

In think, the use of Material Design for web sites and Progressive Web Apps made the achievement Satisfaction attribute easier for developers. The approach offers us the same amount information like any other similar web shop, but we still have "air to breath", space for eyes to rest at.

You know... Craigslist just reminded me the Ugly Duckling fairy-tale...


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