
Showing posts from April, 2020

Bad Cop*... Good Cop*...

*read as "Site." In year 1994, the Sun Microsystems Engineer J. Nielsen published the "Usability Engineering" book, where defined usability and associated it with five attributes: Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors, Satisfaction. In year 1995, the Entrepreneur and Philanthropist C. Newmark, who obviously hadn't found the Nielsen's book on shelves of shops and libraries, launches the  ... or maybe he found it and even read it, but decided to go against the recommendations... Anyway, I'm joking. Here's the site:  First time when I opened it, I had no Idea what it is for. No any hint on first page I barely found the link for creation of posting. How could I! It's marked in yellow especially for me, especially to make search of it easier. The list of words with different size and location were hard to read fluently, but now I can read them better.  Maybe the system of this site is easy to remember and it i...

Ubuntu Development Model and Canonical Business Related to Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Development Model (UDM) Correct me if I wrong, but I see the UDM as Waterfall model (in 6 months lifecycle) wrapped into cycle. The process itself divided into 5 stages with strict feature freeze dates. The freeze dates help to distribute each release in time. As we can see from the scheme (taken from Ubuntu site ), the frame divided into: Start: the beginning on work with new release right after distribution of finished one. Planning: includes the Ubuntu Developers Summit, where discussed features of next release. Work on features - is the longest part, where all features implemented to the product. After that the first feature freeze goes. This means that no more features can be implemented and the work must be focused on bugs fixing. First stage of fixing is the Bug fixing inside closed community. After the Bug Fixing the development of UI, documentation, kernel freezes and release goes to Beta testing. After that, only critical fixes and release candidates made by team. If r...

Just for Fun: Linux'ising my Samsung Chromebook Plus V2

This is not a part of homework.  Isolation due to Covid-19 outbreak, UEFI block of OS other than Windows on Vaio S (nor alone neither dual-boot),  refuse of Samsung to support Linux for Dex (so I lost my Ubuntu) and huge will to have normal Linux pushed me to hack (sorry, hackers, for using this word) into my Chromebook hardware to disable firmware write protection and install Linux instead of Chrome OS. I could use so called "dual boot" from SD card, but it's work very unstable. At least, the guide for magical transformation of Chromebook into Linux netbook will be here for me, if no one else will be interested in this. 1st we have to enable developer mode. 1. With shut down device press Esc + Refresh + Power to boot into Recovery Mode. 2. When see Recovery Mode boot screen press Ctrl + D, then follow the confirmation step (instructions on screen). 2nd we have to disable write-protection. 1. Unscrew the bottom. Screws are hidden under rubber knobs (stands). 2. Separate p...

E.S.Raymond. How To Become a Hacker. Impressions.

Link to the E.S.Raymond. How To Become a Hacker. Why impressions, not review? Because impressions give to people first, unfiltered, pure sight to the things. The review is structured, cleaned of some emotions and with deeper analysis. When I red the article, I imagined times, when whole IT world was something untouchable for common people and step by step the gates of this world were opened by enthusiasts to masses. Times, when such enthusiasts were like wizards. For me, the article itself looks more like a How To become a human and how to stay a human. It's like a codex of some eastern martial art, which lead us to self improvement and openness as the starting point to everything and way to essential mastership in things you do. So the way of human improvement doesn't finish with achievement of basic skills, degree and title. It something deeper, in knowledge, vision and contribution to the world. It also looks for me like a guide, how to stay a human and keep society safe fro...

Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people...

I tried never judge managers as a third side, while not involved in work with them directly, as it is strange to judge people you don't know (in common). But the task must be done so... below are 3 managers, which belong to 2 roles in management. Joachim Kempin was the Power Broker of Microsoft since year 1990... In year 1991 he achieved post of head of Microsoft's OEM division and changed the market of OS's in next 6 years. He developed first Microsoft's Market Development Agreement in year 1994 and took risk to push hardware makers to accept the agreement and set up "monopoly".  The idea of agreement was that if the hardware maker wants the OEM license for a good price, he must promote and sell OS also, otherwise the price of license will be much higher. I.e. in accordance to Windows 95 MDA, the OEMs had to preinstall Windows 95 at lease on half of produced PC's , also they had to use Windows(Microsoft logo in advertisement). The Microsoft...