Development Program of Estonian Information Society 2020: Goal and Foul
There is a very interesting document called "Development Program of Estonian Information Society 2020" in front of me. The document gives us vision for planning the development of IT in Estonia since year 2012 till year 2020, and today I'll give my opinion on Goal and one Foul achieved since the year of the creation of this document. The Program divides IT Development into 4 sections: 1. Better life for people. Improvement of life and integration of IT in it. 2. Viability of Estonian cultural legacy. Improvement of availability of Estonian culture, cultural data and legacy for everyone by means of IT, spreading of Estonian language in IT. 3. Bigger job market. Additional job places in IT sector. 4. Higher economical efficiency/productivity. I think, that every resident in Estonia will agree with me that the biggest step since year 2012 was done in the first section. The improvement of life for people by means of IT. Then we call Estonia "Electronic Stat...