
Showing posts from February, 2020

Development Program of Estonian Information Society 2020: Goal and Foul

There is a very interesting document called "Development Program of Estonian Information Society 2020" in front of me. The document gives us vision for planning the development of IT in Estonia since year 2012 till year 2020, and today I'll give my opinion on Goal and one Foul achieved since the year of the creation of this document. The Program divides IT Development into 4 sections: 1. Better life for people. Improvement of life and integration of IT in it. 2. Viability of Estonian cultural legacy. Improvement of availability of Estonian culture, cultural data and legacy for everyone by means of IT, spreading of Estonian language in IT. 3. Bigger job market. Additional job places in IT sector. 4. Higher economical efficiency/productivity. I think, that every resident in Estonia will agree with me that the biggest step since year 2012 was done in the first section. The improvement of life for people by means of IT. Then we call Estonia "Electronic Stat...

Social Networks: From Texts to Likes

The history of social networks reminds me the evolution of human ability to express himself, to be social, but in descending way, like degradation. Sorry for that, I don't want to abuse anyone, at least I use nets myself. In other words, we reinvented cave paintings Egyptian hieroglyphs in modern way during last 17 years. OK, let's bypass the period, when the people had to go out or organize a meeting to discuss something, or go to library or buy a newspaper, magazine to get some information... I don't want to remind you your parents or grandparents while they say: "When we were your age, we met up new and old friends at local cafe, bar, disco (put the right word)." Let's also pass the first tries to invent social networks, like Bolt ( 1 ) or SixDegrees and start from year 2003, the age, when kids of early 90's started to become youngsters. Why? In my opinion, the success of social networks is formed by the generation of 90's, which grew up with mor...

When dinosaur lives longer than mammoth...

This time we'll talk about Internet. I had to find two technologies found before 1991. One should be dead, while the second one still alive. I decided to search through fundamentals... the technologies, which we need for access to our beloved Facebook (I wanted to remove my account about 3 years ago, but can't do this, as schools, moto clubs and other social groups still use it for sharing of information... so I ought to "love" it), Instagram, Delfi or something else (my blog is open, so we'll not count all sites which we can visit). I searched through the technologies invented for connection between computers, servers and so on. Indeed, the internet is the network of connections between IT appliances, right? And what I found... and was surprised... is that the Dial-Up Modems and Dial-Up Connection are alive. 58 year ago, the first commercial modem Bell 103 was sold by AT&T ( 1 ). Before that the modems were used in American SAGE air-defense system for...

Google Glass - New Reality Not for Crowd, Windows Mobile - Loss of Pocket PC, Chrome OS - Clean, Fast and Useless.

For my first topic I've choosen three great IT ideas, which were very promising in the beginning of their life, but disappointed me. The first one I was waiting as something, that could change our perception of reality, the second one could be as widespread as it's oldest relative, but went on bottom and took Pocket PC with it, and the third could be a good alternative to heavy Windows, expensive Mac OS (mostly due to the positioning of Apple) and complicated Linux. I'd like to warn you, that this is my own opinion about every product in this topic and any future topics. I'll try to describe why I liked ideas and why I am sorry about their destiny. GOOGLE GLASS. Do you all remember the year 2013? The spring, which promised us to delete the line between our smartphones with assistants, yet not good enough, and real world. The advertisement of the device, which was able to substitute the bricks in our hands and to let us see world not on the screen of gadget but thro...